Thursday, June 12, 2014

Training: Strengths-based CBT Training - Vancouver


A New Two-Day Workshop Presented by Christine A. Padesky, Ph.D.

I am very excited to let you know about a different kind of workshop that we will be offering this fall across Canada. It is the first in a new series of "Show Me!" workshops being presented by world renowned cognitive therapist Dr. Christine A. Padesky.

We will have a chance to see inside a master clinician's mind, virtually taking the top off of Dr. Padesky’s head and having a look at how she is formulating her therapeutic interventions. The workshop is structured around clinical role-play demonstrations which Dr. Padesky will then slowly unpack, allowing us to follow her decision making as the interaction unfolds. Following each demonstration and lengthy debriefing attendees will get a chance to work on the same skills.

When I first started attending workshops given by Dr. Padesky more than 20 years ago, I and my colleagues were convinced that she had a secret stash of magic powders that made her clinical work so effective. However, I have since realized that her skill developed over time through her continual analysis of what works and what doesn’t. This workshop lets us listen in as she makes a myriad of decisions concerning what paths to follow as she does this.

Strengths-Based CBT: Show Me! will be held in Vancouver on October 7 & 8, in Ottawa on October 28 & 29, and in Toronto on November 5 & 6. It gathers together all of the various elements of strength- and resilience-focused therapy developed by Dr. Padesky over the last few years, to show how and when to integrate these skills into standard CBT.

It promises to be a really useful and refreshingly different way to hone skills and improve learning. All the details (agenda, prices, venues) are posted on our website, where you can book a place and pay on line, request an invoice be sent to your employer, or download a brochure. I do hope you will be able to join us for this excellent training this fall.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact me, Lorna Tener,

Lorna Tener
Psychologist, Cognitive Workshops
Tel: 613-238-4971 or 888-379-4770,

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