Greetings & Salutations,
I have taken a break from blogging over the past week, or so, as I was very fortunate to spend Christmas with my family in sunny, warm Mazatlan, Mexico. This is a picture from the beach I like to hang out on.
I love this time of year. Slowing down, going within and being more reflective. Decorating the house for Christmas, baking old family recipes which connect me to the past and loved ones no longer here. Spending time with family and all the fascinating dynamics and learning that brings. ;-}
One thing I can't help but reflect on when I travel to a place like Mexico is how people who have so much less than many of us in Canada have a wealth of family connections and a joy for living that is often lacking for many of us in Canada and the U.S.
At a house behind my Mom's place in Mazatlan Christmas day sees an ongoing gathering of people at the Casa de Baby Jesus, a special home where people visit and bring offerings to Baby Jesus to honour and bless the children in their lives. A full band, including brass instruments, played from 10am to 6pm (and sometimes goes longer) in the blazing heat and sun.
In Mexico, and many other places around the world, people demonstrate their deepest respect, care and devotion to their children and elders in daily life, and in times of particular vulnerability they pray and honour them. I think we can learn a lot from this as we continue to drift away from some of these most important nurturing values and many of us become more disconnected and disengaged from each other.
Over the holidays I've been reading "Daring Greatly" by Brene Brown, a social worker, educator and inspirational speaker. She has spent the last decade studying and researching shame, vulnerability, and what she calls shame resilience. This book has changed the way I think & understand the impacts of shame and vulnerability and this will have a very important influence on me, both personally and professionally, as a helper and educator. I cannot recommend this book enough.
If you're not familiar with Brene, I've added a video of hers from a TedX talk that went viral and brought the ideas of shame, vulnerability and healing into culture in a very powerful and impactful way. You know you've arrived when Oprah has discovered you and is promoting you and your ideas.
I also love this time of year as our Gregorian calendar winds down for the year as this is the time I reflect on what has happened in my year and begin to set my intentions, dreams, hopes and goals for the new year to come.
2014 is going to be a time of great possibility and opportunity for all of us, if we want it to be. This is also my call to my sisters and brothers in social work and helping professions. The world needs us more than ever before. I want to encourage all of us to reach a little higher, rock a few more boats, and speak out a little louder anywhere we need to. We have so much wisdom and so many important and pragmatic ideas for solutions and change collectively, and individually.
I want to thank you for reading this blog and sharing it with others. We become stronger as individuals, and as a profession, when we work together and share knowledge, information and resources. I am inspired by the work we are all doing around B.C., Canada, and the world.
I wish you the brightest of blessings in 2014.
Tracey Young, BA, MSW, RSW
Editor of BC Social Workers
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